Aug 27, 2024

5 Ways to Avoid Algae

5 Ways to Avoid Algae
5 Ways to Avoid Algae

5 Tips to Keep Your Pool Algae-Free for the Perfect Labor Day Party

As the last big pool party of the year approaches over Labor Day weekend, the last thing you want is algae crashing the festivities. The North Texas heat, even in well-maintained pools, can create the perfect environment for algae to flourish. However, with the right preparation, you can ensure your pool remains crystal clear and party-ready.

Start with the Basics: Run Your Pool and Balance Chemicals

Before diving into any additional treatments, make sure your pool is running for an adequate amount of time during the heat of the day. Running your pool filter for at least 8-12 hours daily ensures proper circulation & filtration. Another good rule of thumb is 1 hour for every 10 degrees fahrenheit. Check that your pool’s chemical levels, especially chlorine and pH, are balanced. When P.H. levels are above 7.8 it can decrease the effectiveness of the total chlorine. Proper filtration and chemical maintenance are the first lines of defense against algae. Once these basics are covered, you can take further steps to safeguard your pool.

1. Install a Salt System

A saltwater system is one of the most easiest ways to produce chlorine levels, which are crucial in preventing algae growth. Salt systems continuously convert salt into sodium hypochlorite, providing a consistent supply of sanitizer to your pool. This helps keep algae at bay and reduces the need for manual chlorine adjustments, allowing you to enjoy a more hands-off approach to pool care. This is especially great for the busy homeowner that “forgets” to maintain chemicals allowing algae to take over. If you’d like to learn more about whether this is the right fit for your pool, check out the blog about Salt Systems.

2. Clean Your Filter

One of the most common issues leading to algae growth is poor filtration. Over time, your pool’s filter can become clogged with debris, reducing its efficiency. A dirty or worn-out filter allows algae spores to remain in your pool water. Make sure to clean or replace your filter before Labor Day to ensure your pool water is circulating properly and staying clean.

3. Use an Algaecide

Algaecides are specifically designed to prevent and kill algae. Adding an algaecide to your pool a few days before your party can provide an extra layer of protection against any potential algae blooms. Choose an algaecide that's appropriate for your pool type and follow the manufacturer's instructions for the best results. If not used by the manufacturer’s instructions, it can lead to staining your plaster.

4. Apply a Phosphate Remedy

Phosphates are nutrients that algae feed on, so eliminating them from your pool is crucial in preventing algae growth. Phosphate removers target these nutrients, starving the algae and helping keep your water clear. Test your pool water for phosphate levels and apply a remedy if necessary to ensure algae doesn't have the food it needs to thrive. I would recommend running your filter longer on the day of treatment to ensure what precipitates out of the water is filtered out, otherwise your pool can get a little cloudy. As well phosphate removers clog the filter and will need routine cleaning if in use.

5. Try a Pool RX

A Pool RX unit is an easy-to-use solution that can prevent algae and reduce the need for other chemicals. It’s a small device that you place in your pool’s pump basket or skimmer, and it works by releasing minerals that inhibit algae growth. Pool RX units are effective for up to six months, making them a great long-term investment in keeping your pool algae-free. Beware if your water already has high levels of metal in the water - this like algaecide can cause the drop out of metals staining your plaster.


While proper filtration and chemical balance are essential in preventing algae, the intense Texas heat can still provide an ideal environment for algae to thrive. By following these five tips, you can safeguard your pool against algae and ensure it’s ready for a fantastic Labor Day celebration. Take the time now to prepare, and you’ll be able to enjoy your pool worry-free when the big weekend arrives!